"Guiding all our flock to flourish"
At the end of the Summer term, the whole school came together to represent our Christian vision in art.
Each phase – EYFS, Y1/2, Y3/4, Y5/6- were given an aspect of the vision for inspiration.
EYFS focussed on the sheep of the FLOCK. The flock includes everyone in our school community and beyond and we are reminded of Jesus, the good shepherd, who cares for all His sheep. There were some lovely representations of sheep, all quirky and individual. They all seem to have their own characteristics, just like the children who made them!
Y1/2 were inspired the word FLOURISH. At All Saints we want everyone to flourish and thrive, and to be best versions of themselves. The children created gorgeous floral images and turned their hands into blossom trees.
Y3/4’s inspiration was the idea of GUIDING. We all need words of encouragement, a helping hand or good advice. The children looked at signs and signals, and considered words of guidance too. The results were fabulously effective abstract designs!
Y5/6 took their inspiration from the words of Psalm 23. This is the theological basis of our Christian Vision, and one of the best-known and easily accessible Bible passages for children. They looked at the work of Hannah Dunnett and her influence can be seen in the finished results.
All the stunning artwork has now been displayed in new frames in the KS2 block. The children and staff walk past them every day and the artwork provides a constant reminder of the school’s theologically rooted Christian vision.