"Guiding all our flock to flourish"
All Saints is committed to promoting the welfare of our pupils through regular school attendance.
The children who are most happy and successful in school are those with the best attendance.
We would like to thank our parents for their commitment to their child's attendance.
The majority of our parents ensure that their child attends regularly and on time, meeting our academy expectation of at least 97% attendance over the year.
We love to see the happy faces of the children as they get to school on time to play with their friends before sitting down together, ready to learn. Children who do not get to school on time or miss some days of school altogether find it more difficult to catch up on their learning.
Rewarding Great Attendance
We love to recognise good attendance and punctuality and so do our pupils!
At All Saints CE Primary School, we value parental support with children's attendance and punctuality.
The children can come into school from 8.45am each day but should all be seated and ready to start their first task by 8.55am every day. Any child arriving after this time should go directly to the office and will be marked as late in the register. Please note that gates will be locked at 8.55am and access will be through the main office. Any lates will be recorded by the office. If children are late for school, they often miss out on important work and instructions for the day. Our attendance team closely monitor punctuality as well as attendance.
If your child is unwell, please contact the school office by calling 01455 272972 or email allsaints@ipat.uk.
Please note the school are unable to authorise any holidays in term time. However if you wish to request a leave of absence for your child please complete the form below and return to the school office.